My name is Chad Bingham and I'm running for Chairman of the Jackson County Commission

A Voice for We the People

I am asking for your vote, your support, and your prayers as we launch the campaign.

We the People Movement

"We the people..." Such powerful words; words that were meant to be at the center of the governing process at every level of society. For far too long, the citizens of Jackson County have had very little say in the strategic direction and growth of this great region. Massive distribution centers around every corner bear witness to this fact. Those that are currently governing, more and more, have gone their own way with little input from their greatest source of information- the citizens. It is time to give the people of Jackson County back their voice by providing forums, town halls, and listening sessions for the many stakeholders who call Jackson County home, and not just at election time. History has taught us in cities and counties all across America that the best solutions for the challenges we face come from the folks who live and work locally and from local business owners and companies that enrich our lives.

I believe that listening and collaboration should be the primary functions of local government and that every decision should represent the collective voice of the families and businesses of Jackson County. I also believe that city government decisions should uniquely reflect all nine municipalities of Jackson County, not just the few at the center. We are all in this together and “We the People” need to rise up and take the lead in how our county is governed, managed and represented, and no longer allow a select few people to decide the future when so much is at stake.

Join our movement and let’s give “We the People“ a voice and a seat at the table.

Chad Bingham

Learn More About Me

My name is Chad Bingham, the sitting District 3 Jackson County Commissioner, and I have formally announce my candidacy for Chairman of the Jackson County Commissioners. During this unique time in Jackson County’s history, we need a unifying leader; someone who represents all of the people of Jackson County. A true leader does what’s right for the people and works FOR the people to make Jackson County the best county it can be for everyone.

  • 11 years as a business ownership
  • Experience as a Chamber of Commerce member for the last 10 years
  • 6 years on the Board of Directors and 3 years of those in an Executive roll
  • Involvement in Rotary for the last 10 years

As a Commissioner, I have begun working with several instructors, fellow commissioners, and local officials to develop a Community Planning process to develop a 5, 10, 25, and 50 year plant that Includes input and the active participation of the Commissioners, all nine municipality Mayors and City Councils, all three-school system BEO’s, their Superintendents, the Technical Colleges, Universities, the Sherriff, Water Authority, Chamber of Commerce, Director of Economic Development, Resident Representatives, and Developers.

As growth continues to come to Jackson County, there are issues facing us that we need common sense leadership to handle. These include addressing a lagging infrastructure, workforce development, senior tax relief planning on school taxes, and the unprecedented rise in home assessments for all of us that lead to higher property taxes. Higher property taxes have become a heated discussion and to help offset that, we are going to need a leader that can attract various types of business to the area as well as work with our state delegation on needed changes. In the meantime, I will be voting to roll back the millage rates to a minimum of the full rollback numbers later this year to do my part to ensure these taxes remain as low as possible.

I am asking for your vote, your support, and your prayers as we launch the campaign. I look forward to seeing you all on the trail and together making Jackson County the #1 county to Work, Live, and Play!


People Saying About Me

Chad is a great friend, volunteer and investor in the Jackson County. I know that when you call on him, he will answer and provide meaningful support

Kendall Sims

commerce native and nonprofit director

I have known Chad for years and he loves his community and is dedicated to his family and serving the citizens and doing what is best for both. Chad is always available to help his constituents and if he does not know the answer, he will find and always follow up.

Holly Ansley

Local Business Owner

Chad Bingham has a heart to serve. I have known Chad many years and he’s the guy that if my truck broke down no matter what time of day or night he would be one to call because he’s that guy. The guy that always puts others first, the guy that always goes out of his way to help and always shows he cares. He is honest and to the point. Chad puts in work and makes an effort to always better himself so he can be better for others. He has been a good friend and great example to me and many others!

Ryan Gerrald

Local Business Owner

I had the privileges of meeting Chad for the first time in February of this year. A small of group of local seniors set up a meeting with Chad to discuss his stance on Senior Tax Exemption on School Property Taxes. He went out of his to way listen to the voters and even invited a Board of Education representative to begin building a coalition to get the Senior Tax Exemption done. I believe that Chad’s vision for Jackson County will be exactly what is needed for future development and all the citizens of this great county. Under Chad’s leadership this county will allow all citizens to be proud to call this home.

Scott Courter

Senior Resident of Jackson County

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